Honors & Awards in ArtPhotography |
2011 06 |
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Accepted into 16th Wisconsin Circuit, Milwaukee International, USA (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into Photography Competition XXXV Trophy "Torretes", Foto-Film Calella, Spain. |
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Accepted into "Prozor-Rama 2010" 2nd International Salon of Photography, Association of Artists' Art Work, Prozor-Rama, Prozor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into DVCCC Photo Travel Circuit, Delaware Valley Council of Camera Clubs, USA (Recognition by PSA)
2011 04 |
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Accepted into "25th Golden West Small Print International Exhibition of Photography", U.S.A. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "16th Hong Kong Slide Circuit 2011", Hong Kong (Recognition by PSA)
2011 03 |
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Accepted into 8th Tropical Image Internationsl Exhibition 2011, Boynton Beach Camera Club, U.S.A. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into "31ème Salon de la Photographie / 10ème Salon International", Photo Club G.Méliès Mayet, France (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into Everglades Exhibition, PSA Everglades Chapter, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 98th Southampton International Exhibition of Photography, Southampton Camera Club, UK (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Honorable Mentions, 20th Georgia Southern Circuit, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "43rd Howrah Color Salon 2011", Society of Photographers, India. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into Photo Salon STORM, Zväz slovenských fotografov, Slovakia (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 4th Exhibition of Photographs "BOR 2011", Photo Club Bor & Gallery of Mining and Smelting Museum, Serbia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2011.02 |
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Accepted into "78th Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography (WIEP)", DPS, Delaware Photographic Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "2011 Minneapolis - St. Paul Print Circuit -- 11th MPS International", Minneapolis Photographic Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "2011 Minneapolis - St. Paul Print Circuit -- 9th MVPC International", Minnesota Valley Photography Club, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "2011 Minneapolis - St. Paul Print Circuit -- 79th TCACCC Minneapolis/St. Paul International", Twin Cities Area Council of Camera Clubs, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "2011 Minneapolis - St. Paul Print Circuit -- 11th North Metro International", North Metro Photo Club(NMPC), USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "2011 Minneapolis - St. Paul Print Circuit -- 10th CCC International", Crosstown Camera Club, USA. (Recognition by PSA)
2011 01 |
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Accepted into "Arizona Photographic Society Electronic Imaging Exhibition 2011 (AZPS-EIE 2011)", The Arizona Photographic Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into the finalists of Professional Photographers in "2010 WPGA ANNUAL COMPETITION", WPGA (Worldwide Photography Gala Award)
2010 12 |
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Accepted into 5° French Digital Tour, 16° Salon International de Foix (09), GAPHE Hayange & Saint Aignan de Cramesnil & Photo Club de Foix & Photo Club Bagnols Marcoule, France (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2010 11 |
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Accepted into "117th Toronto International Salon of Photography", Toronto Camera Club, Canada. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into "Scenic City International Photo Exhibition", Photographic Society of Chattanooga, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "THE AL-THANI AWARD 2010, International Salon of Photographic Art", THE AL-THANI AWARD FOR PHOTOGRAPHY, Austria (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 4th International Photography Exibition "Zaječar 2010", Photoclub202, Serbia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd ICS International Digital Circuit 2010, 2nd ICS-USPA Garden Grove, Image Colleague Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd ICS International Digital Circuit 2010, 2nd ICS-FMPA Westminster, Image Colleague Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd ICS International Digital Circuit 2010, 2nd ICS-SWAN Santa Ana, Image Colleague Society, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into PSA Cascade Chapter 23, 2010 International Photography Contest 2010, PSA Cascade Chapter (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 2010 Gold Rush International Exhibition of Photography, Gold Rush Chapter (GRC), USA (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 2nd Finland International Digital Circuit, 2nd Vision Salon, The Association of Finnish Camera Clubs, Finland (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Bronze Medal, 2nd Finland International Digital Circuit, 1st Kouvola Salon, The Association of Finnish Camera Clubs, Finland (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Bronze Medal, The 2010 International Aperture Awards, The International Aperture Awards PTY Ltd, Australia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 5° French Digital Tour, 4° Salon International de St Aignan de Cramesnil (14), GAPHE Hayange & Saint Aignan de Cramesnil & Photo Club de Foix & Photo Club Bagnols Marcoule, France (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 6th Swansea City Exhibition of International Photography, Swansea Camera Club, UK (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into Fifty–Third Dum Dum Salon 2010, Photographic Association of Dum Dum, India (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 16th FU International Salon of Photography (Digital), 2010, Dum Dum Foto Unit (Association), India (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into International Sillian Organisation 2010, Photo Club Double Declic (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 7th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2010, 6th Bayer AG Leverkusen International Imaging Salon, AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc), Germany
(Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 7th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2010, 2. BSW Wuerzburg Fotosalon, AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc), Germany
(Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 7th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2010, 5th Filderstadt Photo Competition, AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc), Germany
(Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 7th AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc) 2010, 6th Main Spessart International, AC-FOTO german mega circuit (gmc), Germany
(Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into "1st Sunrise Photo, International Digital Salon 2010", Sunrise Photo Associatio, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into "10th Malmö International Exhibition of Photographic Art 2010", Fotografiska Föreningen i Malmö, Sweden (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2010 10 |
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Accepted into "2ND NORTH JERSEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOJOURNALISM", the North Jersey International PJ Association, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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FIAP Honorable Mentions , 86 Salón Internacional de Otoño en Zaragoza 2010, The Royal Photographic Society of Zaragoza RSFZ, Zaragoza, Spain (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into 3rd Digital Photo Award "MAN and NATURE" 2010, Fotoklub Leonding, Austria (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into PAC INTERNATIONAL SALON 2010, Photographic Association of Chinsurah(PAC), India (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 1st VNUSPA INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL SALON 2010, The Vietnamese-US Photographic Association(VN-USPA), USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 33 Zagreb Salon - International Exhibition of Photography, Fotoklub Zagreb, Croatia (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Certificate of Merit & Honorable Mention, 7th Photolovers International Slide & Digital Circuit 2010, Photolovers International Slide & Digital Circuit, India (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into The 4th International Salon of digital photography "CELJE 2010", Društvo fotografov SVIT, Slovenia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into "2010 Seventy Seventh Minneapolis-St Paul International Exhibition of Digital Photography", Twin Cities Area Council of Camera Clubs, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "XXIII. Bridge of Friendship international photo exhibition", The Somogy Photo Club, Hungary (Recognition by FIAP)
2010 09 |
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Honorable Mentions, Central Washington State Fair's 56th International Photographic Exhibition, Central Washington State Fair, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Eleven Honorable Mentions, The 4rd DIGA Central North Georgia Digital Circuit, North Georgia Digital Circuit, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into "Flash Music 2010" II International Photo Competition, National Academy of Photography Bulgaria, Bulgaria. (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into 1st Rockland Photography Club Exhibition Color Projected Images Division, Rockland Photography Club, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 34th International Photography Exhibition "CHILD 2010", Photoclub202, Serbia. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into The 70th Northwest International Exhibition of Photography, Puyallup Fair Photo Salon • Puyallup, USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 3rd International Salon of Digital Photography NARAVA 2010 ,Fotografsko Društvo Grča Kočevje, Slovenia. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 1st SPANISH ANDORRAN INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL CIRCUIT 2010 - 12º CERTAMEN FOTOGRÁFICO INTERNACIONAL MALLORCA 2010, Col·lectiu Fotogràfic F22, Spanish. (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into The International Salon Exhibition 2010 Grace Photographic Club, Grace Photographic Club (GPC), Hong Kong. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into The 51th International Salon of Pictorial Photography 2010, The Chinese Photographic Association of Hong Kong Ltd., CPA), Hong Kong. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 17th P.S.S.M. International Exhibition of Photography Macao, The Photography Salon Society of Macao ( PSSM), Macao. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2010 08 |
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Accepted into 2010 PSA International Exhibition- Photojournalism Projected Images, The Photographic Society of America (PSA), USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 2010 PSA International Exhibition- Color Projected Image Division Section(s), The Photographic Society of America (PSA), USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into NAPSL 30th Anniversary International Photographic Exhibition, National Association of Photographers Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Honorable Mention, International Photography Awards (IPA), USA. |
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Accepted into 38th PSNY International Salon of Color Photography 2010, The Photographic Society of New York, PSNY, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd Cape International Digital Salon Circuit, Garden Route International Salon, Republic of South Africa. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd Cape International Digital Salon Circuit, East Cape International Salon, Republic of South Africa. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 2nd Cape International Digital Salon Circuit, Border International Salon, Republic of South Africa. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into Photo of the Year 2009/2010 Filderstadt, fotoclub filderstadt e.v., Germany (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into The 2nd FotoGrupo 30/40 International Exhibition of Virtual Imagin, FotoGrupo 30/40, Argentina (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 46th Jauense Salon of Photographic Art, Foto Clube do Jaú, Brasil (Recognition by FIAP) |
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Accepted into International Salon of Art Photography "With Love to Women", Yuriy Titovets photogallery, Ukraine (Recognition by FIAP)
2010 07 |
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Accepted into S4C 46th International Exhibition of Photography, Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C), USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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Accepted into 5th Malta International Photographic Exhibition, Malta Photographic Society, Malta (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 12th Chhayapath International Salon of Photography (Digital) 2010, Chhayapath, Calcutta, India (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 1st Indonesia Salon of Art Photography 2010, Candra Naya Photographic Society, Indonesia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 6th International Photography Exhibition "ROCK 2010", PhotoClub 202, Serbia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2010 06 |
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Accepted into 2010 CPID Creative Individual International Competitions, The Photographic Society of America (PSA), USA. (Recognition by PSA) |
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PSA Honorable Mention , 29th Malaysia International Salon of Photography, Photographic Society of Malaysia, Malaysia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into Golden Spurs 2010, West-Vlaam-Verbond, Provinciaal Verbond van Fotoclubs, Belgium (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 3rd Foto Club Quilmes International Exhibition of Virtual Imaging 2010, Foto Club Quilmes, Argentina (Recognition by PSA, FIAP)
2010 05 |
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Accepted into Digital Master Circuit 2010 Electronic Imaging, BBSV Foto – Fotoklub for digital competitions, exhibitions and workshops, Vienna, Austria (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into Suncoast Virtual Salon 2010, Suncoast Camera Club, USA. (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into the 43rd E.A. International Salon of Photography 2010, The Photographic Salon Exhibitors Association, Hong Kong (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 4th Croatian International Digital Photo Salon – OSIJEK 2010, Photoclub OSIJEK, Croatia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |
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Accepted into 5th International Photography Exhibition "Ecological Truth 2010", PhotoClub 202, Serbia (Recognition by PSA, FIAP) |